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Elizabeth Lakin, CCHH, CCSP, NST

I have deep empathy and profound understanding that comes from my experience of living with a stiff back and chronic pain. My passion is to help you regain your health and give you hope.

Growing up I had sustained a lot of injuries, including a really bad head injury at age 3 that never really got addressed. I had two older brothers who were quite rough and intense, practicing their wresting moves and beating up on me frequently. I was reckless as a youth and young adult, involved in extreme sports like cheerleading competitively, running cross country and track in college, snowboarding, backpacking as a botanist into remote wilderness, and organic farming with hand tools only. Despite my injuries, I was quite active, pain-free, and at the top of my game. My father died when I was 22 years old. The shock and trauma of losing my father at such a young age had somehow amplified my old injuries, which flared up to a point of causing me to be in chronic pain with a stiff back, 24/7. Watching my dad die under the care of western medicine was a wake-up call. I witnessed him being tortured to death with countless surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. His death carried a million dollar price tag in treatments. After his death, I felt immense rage at the dominant medical paradigm, and wanted nothing to do with Western medicine for dealing with my own chronic pain. I decided to take a natural route for my healing. Prior to my dad’s passing, I was working for the Fishery Department in the Forest Service, surveying miles of creeks, a job I truly loved. I never would’ve left it had I not gone on a quest to find alternative ways to heal my old injuries and get out of persistent stiff back pain.

What Helps with Braces Pain – Craniosacral Mouth Work

I studied everything under the sun and sought help from the best practitioners in the field in every branch of Holistic Healing Arts. At this point, I realized I was going to dedicate myself to helping others. When I found modalities that worked for my body, I dove deep into studying them from the best teachers, masters in their fields.


I’ve studied extensively over the past 25 years — too many modalities to mention — here are some highlights of my education: I began with a B.S. in Botany from Eastern Illinois University. I am a graduate of the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics (NTS) in 1998, and the Institute of Classical Homeopathy, certified CCHH, (4-year homeopathic program) in 2007. I studied Ayurveda at the Dhyana Education and Rejuvenation Center in 2001-2003. I became a Certified Core Synchronism practitioner, CCSP, (craniosacral therapy) and have been treating clients since 1998. Since 2008, I have been traveling to Belgium twice every year to continue advanced studies in Classical Homeopathy from best miasmic prescriber in the world. In 2018, I began studying with Curtis Turchin D.C. and integrating Gentle Mobilization into my bodywork including manual therapy techniques of joint stretching, joint mobilization, manual manipulation, osteopathic-like cranial work, myofascial release, visceral manipulation, kinesio-taping and take-home tailored exercises. After practicing Yoga Nidra meditation for 20 years, I became a certified instructor in 2020. ​ Health is about adaptability. Healing is about going to the root cause of what ails the whole body rather than just looking at few individual symptoms. It has been my life's path to unravel my own health issues completely naturally. And then to offer the world what I know has worked for me. I believe that because the journey of life can be so arduous, the path to healing must be a gentle one.

 Bodywork Polarity Healing Therapy Relaxing & Calming

"The sessions I have had with Elizabeth were amazing! She moved my rib, which was completely pull out, back into place in one session and opened and aligned my extremely tight and misaligned jaw in another session. I hadn't felt that much freedom in my jaw since I was a kid and the popping I had experienced when opening my mouth

went away completely. She also did some very helpful realigning of my energetic body as well. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is feeling physical or energetic misalignment in their body and looking to return to wellness." M.J. Sebastopol, CA

“I have a 30-degree curvature in my spine due to scoliosis. Elizabeth has helped me to have significantly less pain, less often, while helping me to stay flexible, upright, and able to do all the things that I love. She effectively helps me to get out of pain at those times that I do have spasms or flare-ups. I recommend her highly.
D.S. Sebastopol, CA

Nurturing Vitality Elizabeth Lakin, CCHH, CCSP, NST

Contact Elizabeth

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"Elizabeth has on multiple occasion helped me with injuries such as a frozen shoulder, supportive rapid healing after a broken foot and lower back injuries. She has supported me to remain active and healthy. Her acumen of knowledge of how the body holistically functions along with the tools she always sends me home with have been an invaluable part of my recovery. She is warm, informative and healing. I recommend her highly."
E.F. Sebastopol, CA

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