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LED Light Research

Infrared LED Lights Red for Pain Relief

Abstracts From PubMed Library 

There are over 1,000 published abstracts on research for LEDs, low level laser therapy (LLLT), and photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT). All of the research sited in these abstracts is applicable to  LZR UltraBright LED Lights as the wavelengths and optical output specifications of these devices have the same medicinal benefits as a laser device.

I have pulled a handful of abstracts across many topics to show the diverse and profound capabilities of these UltraBright LEDs. You can find many more abstracts on PubMed.

  • What is My Process for Gaining Health with Homeopathy?
    The remedy can't do everything. Getting exercise, getting enough quality sleep, not over-extending yourself, eating well, and some form of quieting the mine or meditation is helpful. The longer the client is on the correct remedy, the fewer their cravings will be for things that are not best for them. The client will gradually be drawn to healthier things.
  • What is the Meaning of Antidote in Homeopathy
    Things that can antidote a remedy in some patients will not antidote it in other patients. Some examples of things that might antidote a remedy are: extreme shock, accidents, recreational drugs, and violent acute injuries. Many times the chronic or constitutional remedy can continue to work through these types of incidents. If the patient is sensitive or the incident is extreme, it may antidote the remedy. It is always a good idea to call your homeopath if you're not doing well after these types of situations, or if you feel uncertain.
  • What are the Combination Remedies in Homeopathic Vials?
    These remedies are not classical homeopathy. They're created for marketing and selling products. The original homeopathic remedies were proven singularly (one at a time), and no one knows the effects of using them in combination. Each remedy has the capacity to help with thousands of symptoms. The marketers basically take every remedy for, say, menstrual cramps, and put those in one bottle. Taking that combination remedy may indeed suppress the one symptom you're trying to impact. But this can actually slow the movement of your treatment, since a homeopath needs to see the totality of symptoms. When one of those symptoms is altered by suppression, it can be more difficult to effectively see and treat the whole.
  • What Alternatives in Treatment Work Well with Homeopathic Care?
    There are many things that work well with homeopathic care: massage, chiropractic, osteopathy, stretching programs, yoga, pilates, qi gong or tai chi. Some treatments that are purely energetic - like reiki, acupuncture, and flower essences - are not compatible. Energetic treatments make it difficult to monitor how the homeopathic remedy is working. Homeopathy is energetic and subtle, and one should take care to pursue it with other complimentary methods. In general, it's beneficial to simplify your health program, which in addition to focusing your body's energy can also save time and money.
  • Can Homeopathy Do Palliative Emergency Treatment?
    Use common sense. If you need to go to the emergency room, then you should go. It's always good to call your homeopath in such a situation, since they can provide remedies for emergencies or acute injuries.
  • What is the Difference Between Homeopathy vs Herbalism?
    Herbalism uses herbs in a natural or “crude” form, usually in teas, tinctures or pills. Homeopathy is dynamic medicine that is created by serial dilution and succession. The carriers for the remedies are sugar globules. There is no crude medicine in the homeopathic remedies after dilution.
  • Is Homeopathy Covered by Insurance?
    At this time, homeopathy is not covered by health insurance.
  • Can Homeopathic Remedies Interact with Pharmaceutical Medications?
    No. This is the beauty of homeopathy. There is no biochemical reaction like there is with herbalism. Homeopathic remedies are a dynamic energetic medicine containing no crude material.
  • How Does Drinking Coffee and Homeopathy Work Together?
    If a patient is normally sensitive to mint and coffee, they will still be sensitive to them while taking a homeopathic remedy. If a patient normally has no sensitivity to these items, it isn’t usually a problem. The main issue with coffee involves listening to one's body. Drinking coffee instead of resting can mean that the resulting energy is a "false" caffeine-induced energy, and when we are tired, we should rest. It's a good idea to avoid camphor, as it is a very strong medicine and can antidote a remedy for some patients.
  • Is It OK to Take Allopathy and Homeopathy Together?
    Yes. Depending on the complexity of the patient’s case and the pathology, a homeopath can utilize different potencies. Homeopathy treats the whole picture of the imbalance, unlike pharmaceutical medications that are prescribed to remove symptoms. As the patient improves through homeopathic care, it is wise to work with your doctor to see if medications can be reduced or eliminated.
  • Is Homeopathy a Placebo?
    No. The remedies are not placebos. This is evident by watching the positive action of remedies on children, infants and animals.
  • Is Homeopathy Safe During Pregnancy and When Breast-feeding?
    Homeopathy is excellent to use with pregnant mothers, breast-feeding mothers, and infants. Homeopathy is gentle and has no side effects. Since infant and mother are literally one unit, it is affordable and effective to treat the mother while the infant receives the remedy through the breast milk. Rarely, in a very complex case, there may be reason to treat a mother and her infant separately.
  • What are Homeopathic Remedies Made of?
    The remedy can be made from any of the three kingdoms—plant, mineral or animal. An example of an animal remedy could be the ink of a squid, or snake venom. There is no crude herbal matter in homeopathic remedies. They are dynamic, energetic remedies, mirroring the equally dynamic nature of disease.
  • Does Homeopathy Have Side-Effects?
    No. The homeopathic remedies were the first drug provings ever done. The complete action of every remedy is known and documented in the Materia Medicas, or in catalogs of the homeopathic remedies.
  • What is Homeopathic Constitutional Treatment?
    Homeopaths specialize in people. The homeopath treats a person from birth to the present moment. Early in life, a patient may have sensational disturbances like tingling, numbness, and coldness—sensations that don’t yet cause functional problems. Later, the imbalances may develop into functional disturbances in organs, tissues or glands. Finally, the last stage is pathology, the disease state, in which a doctor might treat the disturbance. In essence, homeopathy unravels the story that brings the patient to their current health situation.
  • Can I Take Vitamins with Homeopathy?
    Taking multi-vitamins and food-based supplements is fine. However, if the patient is taking a supplement to “fix” one symptom, it can complicate the homeopathic picture during follow-up sessions. The correct homeopathic remedy will address the totality of a patient's symptoms. In general, avoid using flower essences and strong essential oils. It's fine to drink teas that you enjoy, as long as they are not aimed at removing symptoms. It's best to talk to your homeopath for help figuring out which supplements, herbs and teas work for you.
  • What is One Difference Between Allopathic vs Homeopathic?
    Suppression takes away one symptom without bringing the totality of the patient into balance. Treating symptoms this way drives the disease state deeper, masks its true nature, and can cause more complex issues. Homeopathy always approaches a person and their symptoms in totality — mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • How Long Does Homeopathic Medicine Take to Work?
    This depends on the complexity of the case and the amount of suppression. Usually the patient will feel better immediately after taking the correct remedy. In complex cases, a few different remedies may be tried. Homeopathy treats the state of disorder in the body, and suppression will always change how imbalances express themselves. So when there has been much suppression, progress is generally slower. The life force will clean up and reorganize differently in each patient, but usually the change will begin with innermost symptoms such as one's mental state or sleep patterns. Improvement is usually seen in these inner symptoms before external symptoms show changes.
  • What is the Antidote Story with my Homeopathic Remedy?
    If a remedy has been antidote it, it is usually very clear in the follow-up sessions. It may or may not be obvious to the client, but the homeopath will see it. Evidence that your remedy has been antidote it would be the rapid return of previously eliminated symptoms following traumatic interference like an accident, serious shock, or significant emotional grief such as a death. This is clearly different from the pattern of a remedy naturally wearing off. This is why follow-up sessions and regular contact with your homeopath are important.
  • In Homeopathy for Children, What if My Child Can't Express Their Feelings?
    When treating children and infants, the parents tell most of the homeopathic case. The homeopath will also perform their own observations, so the child and infants ability for self-expression need not be an issue.
  • What is My Process for Gaining Health with Homeopathy?
    The remedy can't do everything. Getting exercise, getting enough quality sleep, not over-extending yourself, eating well, and some form of quieting the mine or meditation is helpful. The longer the client is on the correct remedy, the fewer their cravings will be for things that are not best for them. The client will gradually be drawn to healthier things.
  • What is the Meaning of Antidote in Homeopathy
    Things that can antidote a remedy in some patients will not antidote it in other patients. Some examples of things that might antidote a remedy are: extreme shock, accidents, recreational drugs, and violent acute injuries. Many times the chronic or constitutional remedy can continue to work through these types of incidents. If the patient is sensitive or the incident is extreme, it may antidote the remedy. It is always a good idea to call your homeopath if you're not doing well after these types of situations, or if you feel uncertain.
  • What are the Combination Remedies in Homeopathic Vials?
    These remedies are not classical homeopathy. They're created for marketing and selling products. The original homeopathic remedies were proven singularly (one at a time), and no one knows the effects of using them in combination. Each remedy has the capacity to help with thousands of symptoms. The marketers basically take every remedy for, say, menstrual cramps, and put those in one bottle. Taking that combination remedy may indeed suppress the one symptom you're trying to impact. But this can actually slow the movement of your treatment, since a homeopath needs to see the totality of symptoms. When one of those symptoms is altered by suppression, it can be more difficult to effectively see and treat the whole.
  • What Alternatives in Treatment Work Well with Homeopathic Care?
    There are many things that work well with homeopathic care: massage, chiropractic, osteopathy, stretching programs, yoga, pilates, qi gong or tai chi. Some treatments that are purely energetic - like reiki, acupuncture, and flower essences - are not compatible. Energetic treatments make it difficult to monitor how the homeopathic remedy is working. Homeopathy is energetic and subtle, and one should take care to pursue it with other complimentary methods. In general, it's beneficial to simplify your health program, which in addition to focusing your body's energy can also save time and money.
  • Can Homeopathy Do Palliative Emergency Treatment?
    Use common sense. If you need to go to the emergency room, then you should go. It's always good to call your homeopath in such a situation, since they can provide remedies for emergencies or acute injuries.
  • What is the Difference Between Homeopathy vs Herbalism?
    Herbalism uses herbs in a natural or “crude” form, usually in teas, tinctures or pills. Homeopathy is dynamic medicine that is created by serial dilution and succession. The carriers for the remedies are sugar globules. There is no crude medicine in the homeopathic remedies after dilution.
  • Is Homeopathy Covered by Insurance?
    At this time, homeopathy is not covered by health insurance.
  • Can Homeopathic Remedies Interact with Pharmaceutical Medications?
    No. This is the beauty of homeopathy. There is no biochemical reaction like there is with herbalism. Homeopathic remedies are a dynamic energetic medicine containing no crude material.
  • How Does Drinking Coffee and Homeopathy Work Together?
    If a patient is normally sensitive to mint and coffee, they will still be sensitive to them while taking a homeopathic remedy. If a patient normally has no sensitivity to these items, it isn’t usually a problem. The main issue with coffee involves listening to one's body. Drinking coffee instead of resting can mean that the resulting energy is a "false" caffeine-induced energy, and when we are tired, we should rest. It's a good idea to avoid camphor, as it is a very strong medicine and can antidote a remedy for some patients.
  • Is It OK to Take Allopathy and Homeopathy Together?
    Yes. Depending on the complexity of the patient’s case and the pathology, a homeopath can utilize different potencies. Homeopathy treats the whole picture of the imbalance, unlike pharmaceutical medications that are prescribed to remove symptoms. As the patient improves through homeopathic care, it is wise to work with your doctor to see if medications can be reduced or eliminated.
  • Is Homeopathy a Placebo?
    No. The remedies are not placebos. This is evident by watching the positive action of remedies on children, infants and animals.
  • Is Homeopathy Safe During Pregnancy and When Breast-feeding?
    Homeopathy is excellent to use with pregnant mothers, breast-feeding mothers, and infants. Homeopathy is gentle and has no side effects. Since infant and mother are literally one unit, it is affordable and effective to treat the mother while the infant receives the remedy through the breast milk. Rarely, in a very complex case, there may be reason to treat a mother and her infant separately.
  • What are Homeopathic Remedies Made of?
    The remedy can be made from any of the three kingdoms—plant, mineral or animal. An example of an animal remedy could be the ink of a squid, or snake venom. There is no crude herbal matter in homeopathic remedies. They are dynamic, energetic remedies, mirroring the equally dynamic nature of disease.
  • Does Homeopathy Have Side-Effects?
    No. The homeopathic remedies were the first drug provings ever done. The complete action of every remedy is known and documented in the Materia Medicas, or in catalogs of the homeopathic remedies.
  • What is Homeopathic Constitutional Treatment?
    Homeopaths specialize in people. The homeopath treats a person from birth to the present moment. Early in life, a patient may have sensational disturbances like tingling, numbness, and coldness—sensations that don’t yet cause functional problems. Later, the imbalances may develop into functional disturbances in organs, tissues or glands. Finally, the last stage is pathology, the disease state, in which a doctor might treat the disturbance. In essence, homeopathy unravels the story that brings the patient to their current health situation.
  • Can I Take Vitamins with Homeopathy?
    Taking multi-vitamins and food-based supplements is fine. However, if the patient is taking a supplement to “fix” one symptom, it can complicate the homeopathic picture during follow-up sessions. The correct homeopathic remedy will address the totality of a patient's symptoms. In general, avoid using flower essences and strong essential oils. It's fine to drink teas that you enjoy, as long as they are not aimed at removing symptoms. It's best to talk to your homeopath for help figuring out which supplements, herbs and teas work for you.
  • What is One Difference Between Allopathic vs Homeopathic?
    Suppression takes away one symptom without bringing the totality of the patient into balance. Treating symptoms this way drives the disease state deeper, masks its true nature, and can cause more complex issues. Homeopathy always approaches a person and their symptoms in totality — mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • How Long Does Homeopathic Medicine Take to Work?
    This depends on the complexity of the case and the amount of suppression. Usually the patient will feel better immediately after taking the correct remedy. In complex cases, a few different remedies may be tried. Homeopathy treats the state of disorder in the body, and suppression will always change how imbalances express themselves. So when there has been much suppression, progress is generally slower. The life force will clean up and reorganize differently in each patient, but usually the change will begin with innermost symptoms such as one's mental state or sleep patterns. Improvement is usually seen in these inner symptoms before external symptoms show changes.
  • What is the Antidote Story with my Homeopathic Remedy?
    If a remedy has been antidote it, it is usually very clear in the follow-up sessions. It may or may not be obvious to the client, but the homeopath will see it. Evidence that your remedy has been antidote it would be the rapid return of previously eliminated symptoms following traumatic interference like an accident, serious shock, or significant emotional grief such as a death. This is clearly different from the pattern of a remedy naturally wearing off. This is why follow-up sessions and regular contact with your homeopath are important.
  • In Homeopathy for Children, What if My Child Can't Express Their Feelings?
    When treating children and infants, the parents tell most of the homeopathic case. The homeopath will also perform their own observations, so the child and infants ability for self-expression need not be an issue.
Professional LED Light Therapy Chronic Pain Self-Care
  • What is My Process for Gaining Health with Homeopathy?
    The remedy can't do everything. Getting exercise, getting enough quality sleep, not over-extending yourself, eating well, and some form of quieting the mine or meditation is helpful. The longer the client is on the correct remedy, the fewer their cravings will be for things that are not best for them. The client will gradually be drawn to healthier things.
  • What is the Meaning of Antidote in Homeopathy
    Things that can antidote a remedy in some patients will not antidote it in other patients. Some examples of things that might antidote a remedy are: extreme shock, accidents, recreational drugs, and violent acute injuries. Many times the chronic or constitutional remedy can continue to work through these types of incidents. If the patient is sensitive or the incident is extreme, it may antidote the remedy. It is always a good idea to call your homeopath if you're not doing well after these types of situations, or if you feel uncertain.
  • What are the Combination Remedies in Homeopathic Vials?
    These remedies are not classical homeopathy. They're created for marketing and selling products. The original homeopathic remedies were proven singularly (one at a time), and no one knows the effects of using them in combination. Each remedy has the capacity to help with thousands of symptoms. The marketers basically take every remedy for, say, menstrual cramps, and put those in one bottle. Taking that combination remedy may indeed suppress the one symptom you're trying to impact. But this can actually slow the movement of your treatment, since a homeopath needs to see the totality of symptoms. When one of those symptoms is altered by suppression, it can be more difficult to effectively see and treat the whole.
  • What Alternatives in Treatment Work Well with Homeopathic Care?
    There are many things that work well with homeopathic care: massage, chiropractic, osteopathy, stretching programs, yoga, pilates, qi gong or tai chi. Some treatments that are purely energetic - like reiki, acupuncture, and flower essences - are not compatible. Energetic treatments make it difficult to monitor how the homeopathic remedy is working. Homeopathy is energetic and subtle, and one should take care to pursue it with other complimentary methods. In general, it's beneficial to simplify your health program, which in addition to focusing your body's energy can also save time and money.
  • Can Homeopathy Do Palliative Emergency Treatment?
    Use common sense. If you need to go to the emergency room, then you should go. It's always good to call your homeopath in such a situation, since they can provide remedies for emergencies or acute injuries.
  • What is the Difference Between Homeopathy vs Herbalism?
    Herbalism uses herbs in a natural or “crude” form, usually in teas, tinctures or pills. Homeopathy is dynamic medicine that is created by serial dilution and succession. The carriers for the remedies are sugar globules. There is no crude medicine in the homeopathic remedies after dilution.
  • Is Homeopathy Covered by Insurance?
    At this time, homeopathy is not covered by health insurance.
  • Can Homeopathic Remedies Interact with Pharmaceutical Medications?
    No. This is the beauty of homeopathy. There is no biochemical reaction like there is with herbalism. Homeopathic remedies are a dynamic energetic medicine containing no crude material.
  • How Does Drinking Coffee and Homeopathy Work Together?
    If a patient is normally sensitive to mint and coffee, they will still be sensitive to them while taking a homeopathic remedy. If a patient normally has no sensitivity to these items, it isn’t usually a problem. The main issue with coffee involves listening to one's body. Drinking coffee instead of resting can mean that the resulting energy is a "false" caffeine-induced energy, and when we are tired, we should rest. It's a good idea to avoid camphor, as it is a very strong medicine and can antidote a remedy for some patients.
  • Is It OK to Take Allopathy and Homeopathy Together?
    Yes. Depending on the complexity of the patient’s case and the pathology, a homeopath can utilize different potencies. Homeopathy treats the whole picture of the imbalance, unlike pharmaceutical medications that are prescribed to remove symptoms. As the patient improves through homeopathic care, it is wise to work with your doctor to see if medications can be reduced or eliminated.
  • Is Homeopathy a Placebo?
    No. The remedies are not placebos. This is evident by watching the positive action of remedies on children, infants and animals.
  • Is Homeopathy Safe During Pregnancy and When Breast-feeding?
    Homeopathy is excellent to use with pregnant mothers, breast-feeding mothers, and infants. Homeopathy is gentle and has no side effects. Since infant and mother are literally one unit, it is affordable and effective to treat the mother while the infant receives the remedy through the breast milk. Rarely, in a very complex case, there may be reason to treat a mother and her infant separately.
  • What are Homeopathic Remedies Made of?
    The remedy can be made from any of the three kingdoms—plant, mineral or animal. An example of an animal remedy could be the ink of a squid, or snake venom. There is no crude herbal matter in homeopathic remedies. They are dynamic, energetic remedies, mirroring the equally dynamic nature of disease.
  • Does Homeopathy Have Side-Effects?
    No. The homeopathic remedies were the first drug provings ever done. The complete action of every remedy is known and documented in the Materia Medicas, or in catalogs of the homeopathic remedies.
  • What is Homeopathic Constitutional Treatment?
    Homeopaths specialize in people. The homeopath treats a person from birth to the present moment. Early in life, a patient may have sensational disturbances like tingling, numbness, and coldness—sensations that don’t yet cause functional problems. Later, the imbalances may develop into functional disturbances in organs, tissues or glands. Finally, the last stage is pathology, the disease state, in which a doctor might treat the disturbance. In essence, homeopathy unravels the story that brings the patient to their current health situation.
  • Can I Take Vitamins with Homeopathy?
    Taking multi-vitamins and food-based supplements is fine. However, if the patient is taking a supplement to “fix” one symptom, it can complicate the homeopathic picture during follow-up sessions. The correct homeopathic remedy will address the totality of a patient's symptoms. In general, avoid using flower essences and strong essential oils. It's fine to drink teas that you enjoy, as long as they are not aimed at removing symptoms. It's best to talk to your homeopath for help figuring out which supplements, herbs and teas work for you.
  • What is One Difference Between Allopathic vs Homeopathic?
    Suppression takes away one symptom without bringing the totality of the patient into balance. Treating symptoms this way drives the disease state deeper, masks its true nature, and can cause more complex issues. Homeopathy always approaches a person and their symptoms in totality — mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • How Long Does Homeopathic Medicine Take to Work?
    This depends on the complexity of the case and the amount of suppression. Usually the patient will feel better immediately after taking the correct remedy. In complex cases, a few different remedies may be tried. Homeopathy treats the state of disorder in the body, and suppression will always change how imbalances express themselves. So when there has been much suppression, progress is generally slower. The life force will clean up and reorganize differently in each patient, but usually the change will begin with innermost symptoms such as one's mental state or sleep patterns. Improvement is usually seen in these inner symptoms before external symptoms show changes.
  • What is the Antidote Story with my Homeopathic Remedy?
    If a remedy has been antidote it, it is usually very clear in the follow-up sessions. It may or may not be obvious to the client, but the homeopath will see it. Evidence that your remedy has been antidote it would be the rapid return of previously eliminated symptoms following traumatic interference like an accident, serious shock, or significant emotional grief such as a death. This is clearly different from the pattern of a remedy naturally wearing off. This is why follow-up sessions and regular contact with your homeopath are important.
  • In Homeopathy for Children, What if My Child Can't Express Their Feelings?
    When treating children and infants, the parents tell most of the homeopathic case. The homeopath will also perform their own observations, so the child and infants ability for self-expression need not be an issue.
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